Game author

Dear game designers…

Games publishing: how does it work?

Gigamic is a game publisher since 1991. We have published many games, fun or strategic, for grown-ups or kids. Some of them has become unavoidable classics.

As a publisher, whenever we sign with a game designer, we take charge of the whole editorial process (material selection, quotations with our manufacturers, art direction, production, marketing, communication…), in consultation with the game designer. We always aim at building a trustful relationship, working together and giving our best to our games.

For a game to be published, we sign a publishing contract with the game designer, by which he gives us exploitation rights on his game. In return, the game designer earns royalties on every copy we sell. This agreement is the very beginning of the editorial process.

Sometimes, game designers get worried that we will “steal” their ideas if they send them to us. Our reputation and ethic are essential for us. We have no interest whatsoever to do this kind of thing. It’s legally wrong and it would put Gigamic name at high risk.

However, if you wish to protect your idea, there are ways to do so. For example, in France, you can use an Soleau envelope for about 10 euros.

Do you have a game you wish to show us? This is quite simple: read the following article to learn everything about the process.

Gold rule

Before you send us your project

One golden rule: test your game, again and again. Not only with friends and family (who might not be the most objective people), but also with board gamers. You should be able to find a club or association not far from you, who could help.

You also can ask for advice on forums, such as the forum of the French-website Tric-Trac, or the famous Board Game Geek.

On the other hand, we like for game designers to take a look at our games before they send us their own project. Indeed, this is quite important to make sure that your game could fit into our lines. To discover everything about our published games, please check our English website.

We are looking for different kind of games:

-          On the Classic line: Quarto, Quoridor
-          On the Family line: Marrakech…
-          On the Ambiance line: Wazabi, Galèrapagos…
-          On the Tin boxes line: Panic Lab, Différence, Tutti Frutti...

All those games have simple rules you may explain in a few minutes, less than one hour game duration, original mechanics and nice material.

Furthermore, we are currently trying to avoid miniatures and plastic elements into our games and we do not publish games with an educational purpose. If your game needs many plastic figures or is mainly educational, you should look for the accurate games publishers.

Games convention, e-mail

How can you submit a game project?

During a games convention

The publishing team is present on many games convention along the year, as:

-          Festival International des Jeux de Cannes
-          Ludinord à Mons en Baroeul (59)
-          Paris est ludique
-          Festival ludique international de Parthenay
-          Internationale Spieltage à Essen (Allemagne)

… and many others!

Those are perfect opportunities to meet, to explain your project to us and, maybe, to play a game together.

Many authors would like to take advantage of these opportunities to meet us. You can try to find a slot on the spot, if there is any availability in our often busy schedule. Thank you for your understanding.

New history begins

What next?

Between games conventions and e-mails, we usually receive around 800 propositions a year. We study each and every one of them and we ask ourselves those questions: “Could this game fit our lines?”, “Is it original?”, “Do similar games already exist?”, “Do we want to play after we read the explanation?”.

If your project do not catch our attention, we will send you a brief e-mail to explain you why, in a few words. If it rather interest us, we will ask for a sample to playtest it many times, with all our team, to have many different opinions.

Every year, we choose 4 or 5 games we wish to publish. We discuss it with you and sign a publishing contract… And a new story begins!

Patience is the key...

When will we answer you?

As we explained, we receive a lot of games projects. Be patient, we answer to everyone.

It does not change anything to grumble against us, neither to ask the cops to call us (yes, this is a true story!). We will not be quicker to answer and it probably won’t help your project ;) 

It does not change anything to grumble against us, neither to ask the cops to call us (yes, this is a true story!). We will not be quicker to answer and it probably won’t help your project ;) 

The publishing team a.k.a Alain, Joseph & Caroline